Friday, March 26, 2010

When in ROM

When traveling I am always on the lookout for interesting architecture. This addition to Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum was designed by architect Daniel Libeskind and Bregman + Hamann Architects. The breathtaking centerpiece is the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal structure which is best viewed at dusk to appreciate all of it's reflective facets. This photograph shows how it comes alive at night. Always consider a dusk view if appropriate for your projects.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

On the Fly

Sometimes when making arrangements to photograph a clients work you are given significant access constraints by the property management. The person you are making arrangements with may not have any idea the amount of time it takes to do the job correctly and sometimes they don't care. That's when you get what you need to work with and solve the rest later. This is a view from an assignment I had in Toronto in which access was at a severe limit. Take a look at the retouching section of my portfolio to see the "before and after" views.

Link to the retouching section of my web site